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Secrets of the Mountain

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Secrets of the Mountain Empty Secrets of the Mountain

Mensaje por Combodiego Dom 18 Abr - 10:18:40

La tv movie podría convertirse en serie para la temporada que viene. ‘Miami Medical’ cae de nuevo con reposiciones de ‘Ghost Whisperer’ y ‘Medium’.

Somewhere between the demands of her career, her ex's wedding and her kids' busy schedules, Dana James (Paige Turco, The Agency) is noticing her tight-knit family starting to unravel. An unexpected offer to purchase her family's mountain property sets up a weekend road trip, which she hopes will bring her family back together. But when they arrive, they quickly learn that the mountain is much more than it seems. An ancient secret and a treacherous quest will test the family like never before. It's an edge-of-the seat thriller that reminds us that when times are tough, families don't run away from problems - they run back to each other.

Cantidad de envíos : 1590
Fecha de inscripción : 02/08/2009

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